Posted on March 21 2023,

When we talk about gin and botanicals, the first thing that springs to mind is Juniper as it is THE botanical that defines gin. But there is another botanical that is used consistently throughout the gin world and is a key component of a huge array of premium gins out there.
That botanical is Coriander! Coriander can be used in many ways and is a favourite herb for culinary experts and dabblers alike. Both the plant and the seeds can be used, adding a range of flavours to meal or a tipple.
At Meadow Oak Distillery, we use Coriander seeds in our Heartwood of Oak Moor Meadow gin. The seeds bring a sweet, aromatic warmth to our gin with citrusy notes.
This citrus element along with our addition of Sheep’s Sorrel has enabled us to create a gin that has citrus flavours without the need to use more commonly used citrus products, which for us, don’t tick the boxes for ‘local’ and ‘environmental’.
This profuse grower is not a native to Oak Moor Meadow, but is set to be a dominant plant within our distillery’s stock garden and nursery beds. A multi-use plant for both gin, food and wildlife, Coriander gets the green light from us!